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A Plead for Gin on the Rocks

Lately I am visiting more bars again. This definitely has something to do, that nobody waits anymore at home for me [respectively comes at the same time home].

In a bar, cocktails can be great. However it depends on the recipes of the bar and even on the bartender. Unfortunately in Dubai, there is a rather big chance, that you won't get a great cocktail. Another point is, that it takes time. And if you know the bartender, you don't want to be a dick, to order a cocktail, while he is busy.

Whiskey and respectively whisky is also great. But usually it works much better in a real cozy bar, where you are sitting down and maybe have a cigar, than a bar, where you are socialising and walking around [at least, it is the case for me]. Rum falls into the same category.

Longdrinks and highballs are usually boring [when done the "popular" way] - or cannot be found [made the artisan way, with house-crafted ingredients etc].

And vodka? C'mon - you should know me better.

But do you know what? I found the perfect drink, which is manly. And which taste great. And you are seen offbeat. And it is an experience. Gin!

Not your old G&T. No. A gin on the rocks.
Trust me - I really love it. There are some gins, which I have simply on the rocks. They are delicate. You could almost say delicious. Then there are others which are more controversial - and a bar-spoon of simple syrup and a squeeze of lime would tame them down enough to make them genuinely enjoyable.
The aromas of the botanicals give you sense of being alive. And it seems just a bit of crazy, which let the thoughtful bartender think, who he [or she] has in front of him/her.

For the first time since a long time, I can enjoy gin, which is not at perfect strength [47% abv].
Beefeater 24 was elegant, but lean - very ethereal. Plymouth was rather robust - almost "juicy" with a round character. And Bombay Sapphire [with the help of a small dash of raspberry eau de vie] was floral and fruity with a good backbone of juniper and earthy coriander.

I believe that gin is largely under-appreciated: in a gin & tonic or cocktail [like the venerable Clover Club] gins are usually appreciated - however a lot of gins are made by distillers, who are tasting the distillate - not the concoction. That means, some gins showing their greatness, when they are enjoyed on their own. Whitley Neal - from South Africa, comes to my mind; its 40% abv and delicate aromas have a tough stand against even the lightest tonic - however alone, it is a distillate with amazing composition. Same applies to G'vine Floraison.

And it would not be the gin alone. Also other distillates like white rum, tequila or cachaça work as well with little other ingredients [maybe a wedge of lime?].
But you can also stay with gin, as its diversity is key for many glorious taste experiences to come. And most of the time, the bar doesn't even know, what kind of treasure they have on their back bar...


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