As beverage manager I can not only focus on spirits on cocktails, but I do have also think about wine. Thus I have got a subscription to WineSpectator, which is admittedly quite awesome. In the current issue, there is a very interesting article about keg wines - wines which are not bottles but rather filled into a keg - and which have their own "keg tap system" - as (as pointed out) it is not enough to use the existing beer taps. Personally I do think, that it could turn some people off (there is still a lot of controversy about using screwcaps - people, get over it!) - and especially guests of bars, restaurant and hotels might feel affronted of such innovation. The wine business is really traditional - and there are a lot of people, which are opinionated and against progress throughout the consumer groups - from the connoisseur and collector to the novice. However I do honestly believe, that such system (if properly installed) totally outweighs the negative c...