Xmas 2017 - one more time an awkward Secret Santa event with work colleagues (it is not that I don’t like to have Xmas parties with my colleagues or any F&B party - but Secret Santa or anything similar is just too much for me to swallow). Anyway - I got from my lovely no more so Secret Santa a Vinturi wine aerator. This device is just a shortcut of decanting wine. I think the problem with these devices is, that you still need to know wine. It doesn’t make “every wine” better - it just makes wine better, which fits into specific categories ( • red wine • rather young • close/unbalanced/harsh tannins etc.). Check out this video, which explains better what it is: Well - let me break the news for my colleagues first: I am not a wine drinker (in fact, I got a wine connoisseur set in my previous year’s Secret Santa as well...). However the Vinturi wine aerator was actually a pretty cool gift - as it sparked an idea: What if aerated cocktails are changing in taste? I got...