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A Soda Review - Mountain Dew Black Label

Image result for mountain dew black label
There is surprisingly less “soda variety” in the UAE - given, that a big part of the population doesn’t drink alcohol. The sin tax, which has been introduced in late 2017 didn’t helped the “soda game” (and admittedly I have to teeth-gnashingly agree, that it is a good thing: diabetes and other sugar related diseases are in the raise - especially here); but yet in a country, which isn’t “fueled on beer and wine” there not much to choose from. Sure - there is Pepsi and Coca Cola - and their different flavors and products. But even my loved cherry coke (and strangely enough Pepsi Wild Cherry - I really like it - while I totally reject normal Pepsi) is a rather scare sighting. And yes - there is Canada Dry, Schweppes and Evervess (who needs this??) and occasionally Fevertree...

Being part of the Pepsi-Co empire, Mountain Dew can be found here everywhere. Some specific varieties are though only obtainable in Petrol Stations - and unfortunately unique varieties of any soda (inclusive Cherry Coke...) are comparable expensive - AED 6.50 (a bit more than 1.50 Euros) for a can is quite a price - if you compare, that you could get a liter bottle of “run of the mill” soda for the same price.

Mountain Dew “Label” varieties giving the meaning expensive a whole new dimension. Sure it is a large can - but AED 20.00 (which is 5 Euros) is a pretty steep price. But as I found it in my petrol station of choice, I had to try it.

There is quite a mean review of the New York Post about this flavor. I don’t though think, that things are so grim.
So I tried it properly chilled - but without ice. The color is artificial purple-red. Not necessarily the most natural color - but for sure a big improvement from the poison-green of normal Dew.
The design of the can is pretty good - it looks quite fancy - not necessarily craft, but for sure tasteful (yeah- slightly spoiling the rest of the review, the design is far more tasteful than the product).

The aromas are straight forward berry. I recognize blueberries, cassis, probably raspberry - with some candy grape (concord grapes?). There is also a hint of citrus.
The tongue is exactly mirroring the nose. However you do have a strong citrus aftertaste - your typical Mountain Dew tang, if you will. 
I would not buy it really again. First of all the price is stupid - I cannot call it different. And it is just a hint more complex as e.g. Fanta Strawberry (which basically taste like candy). I actually though like the Dew tang, which doesn’t come as artificial and oxidized as the original variety - in fact, the berry aromas are almost covering the off aromas of MD.

I also tasted it with tequila as the aromas reminded me directly on the flavors of an El Diablo - tequila, lime, creme de cassis and ginger ale. Served on ice it strangely diluted the flavors far more than I expected. It though makes a enjoyable concoction - but not one, which is a killer cocktail. 

But if you are too lazy to get the few ingredients of an El Diablo together, it is a simple substitution.

Having said this, I hate the intention of Pepsi here. This company tries to piggyback the trend of craft-sodas - with a product which is simply not “crafted”. Sure it contains real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup, but this doesn’t make it a craft soda. I’d rather like to see that also these big companies are trying to adapt to the ethos of craft producer, their sense of community and helpfulness, their willingness for risk-taking (...) - and not just trying to rip of a trend. 

Hence the drink alone gets a 4.5/10 (the rather low rating is due to the insane price difference. If it would cost half the price, it probably would get a 5 maybe even a 5.5/10). 
However the whole product gets a 2.5/10. I really don’t like that multinational multibillion companies, are trying to force themselves in markets of smaller companies, and are not even trying to adapt.


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