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Showing posts from June, 2015

Where JonTaffer might be right - and where he might be wrong

I found this great interview on - in which Jon Taffer is interviewed. He is the host and expert of Bar Rescue [if you are one bar industry professional who didn't watched few episodes - shame on you] . Jon Taffer could be called also "very opinionated" - right on my alley...  however due to his brand involvement and definitely also his age, I do have often the feeling, that he is all the time a couple of steps behind real cutting edge trends and ideas. Anyway - a lot of wisdom isn't "aging" at all, and I definitely don't want to take any credit, which Taffer deserves.... Lighting innovations and LED technology... Yes - Taffer is definitely right, that this changed a lot.  Is it a cutting edge trend though? Nope - we do have LED's already quite long, and there is not much more, which really caught mainstream, which is very innovative. Maybe the problem of this is: the price! B2B companies, which offering (sometime questio...