Check out following article on the official IBA website... IBA members receive a free copy of our magazine. Click here HOME NEWS AND FEATURES SPIRITS MASTERS BRAND CHAMPIONS SUBSCRIPTIONS ABOUT SB ARCHIVES SWIZZLE MASTERS TEN BARTENDER OPINIONS ON VODKA COCKTAILS 22nd March, 2016 by Annie Hayes Slideshow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next → After receiving an overwhelming number of contributions for our upcoming vodka issue, SB has assembled a preview of April’s cocktail analysis with comment from 10 of the industry’s leading bartenders. Besides, that I am surprised, that for once I found an article which looks contemporary (in content and layout - Bravo IBA!), I also asked myself, what is my (revised?) opinion about vodka. I have to say... it didn't changed a lot. But when I read this article and reflected the "blank canvas approach" -...