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Showing posts from January, 2020

Old Fashioned Barrel Finished Malt

The older I become, the more I see opportunities to do some really significant (and new stuff) without using arsenic in cocktails and poison people (or like a trend a couple of years ago, make tobacco infusions , which are basically more poisonous than arsenic - as nicotine is quite a bit more poisonou s...). Off course I am kidding - however you don't need to mix Bourbon with Mountain Dew to do something really exciting... In the place I have worked before we did a barrel aged Last Word. This was actually a great idea - the cocktail was pretty awesome. But as we used a very small oak vessel, the oak was quickly exhausted and we tried to age Glenmorangie in it (Last Word finished Glenmorangie 10 years old). It was a success - not for everyone (especially the Chartreuse gave the whisky a hint of funk, which isn't often experienced) - but it was subtle enough and I loved how different yet recognizable (Glenmorangie) it has been   Now we are aging Negroni (thanks to the o