Most people, who know me from work, don't know, that I am a pretty accomplished home cook.
Even when I submitted my application for my apprenticeship, there were two jobs as hotel and hospitality experts but also a job as a chef.
As you might expect, I chose against culinary. But even until today, I am quite inventive in the kitchen. This off course helps me also in my profession.
Since mixology is much more then pouring a couple of ready made beverages together, a good knowledge about food helps you quite a lot.
Over the time a lot of friends wondered, why I am not changing my profession to become a professional chef. There are a couple of reasons:
1.) I really like my job. I love the bar. I love everything about beverages and mixology and cigars.
2.) Make your hobby your job and you end up without an hobby.
3.) I cannot remember culinary recipes. Really!
Mixed drinks are not a problem at all to remember for me - I am carrying a couple of hundreds recipes and proportions in my brain and have usually no problems to call them off at anytime - however even for a simple dish, I am consulting first of all google, to check for the correct recipe. I am cooking quite wild and don't follow each step [if it is not pastry] - though - I have always to check the recipe. This is totally weird!
It is even weirder, that I don't need to read a recipe, when I am cooking some syrups, make some infusions, fat washes, home made liqueurs and so on [usually I am researching when I am doing something the first time, but after that, I am not bothering to check a recipe].
Maybe it has psychological reasons.
Have you experienced something similar?
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