I have read this very interesting post on linkedin about brands:

And it suddenly stroke me: the most important thing of a bar [or a restaurant] is: the BRAND!
How can you otherwise explain, how successful some companies are - and how many struggles other companies have, with often better products?
Why is a "normal" (but good quality) fast food joint only average successful, but McDonalds, Burger King and KFC expanding like nothing real [and offering amazing profit margins to their franchisers]? It cannot be the overall quality!
I don't always want to come back on one specific venue - but here it makes sense: why Barasti Bar has won several years the best bar award - but other bars surpassing them in all disciplines?
I also worked for an American bar & restaurant in Germany, which quite successfully build up their brand - later on I worked for the competition, which offered definitely better quality for a lower price [though the owners had much less emphasis on their brand]. Guess which bar-restaurant was more successful?
Its the brand! Some companies have a natural grown brand "quality" - others constructed their brand to be strong. But it is always the perception of the company, which makes it more or less successful. And in hospitality, I assume, that the brand has an even bigger impact as in other industries.
I might post in future my thought, what makes a good brand - but for the moment, just think about your brand and how to strengthen it.
It is though important to mention: quality of service can build a reputation, which can then slowly strengthen the brand - but quality is not directly connected to the brand value - it's more or less one way: quality can have a positive impact in the brand, but a strength of a brand cannot be directly ascribed by quality.
A brand is also a very emotional and individual subject!
What do you think about it? Please comment below!
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