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Bartender vs. Mixologist (...) - is it a matter of approachability?

We have had a talk with the guys of muddle-me and they asked Darcy, what kind of title he would like to choose: bartender, mixologist, "cocktail-whisperer.

Always very down to earth, Darcy replied that he likes to see himself just as bartender. That bartenders should be accessible to everyone - and that nobody should think, that they are something special, or "above" of the rest.

I really like this approach - and absolutely believe as well, that everybody has the same value.
However I just have the feeling, that causality of one, does not imply correlation to the other.
I can be absolutely approachable and down to earth, if people call me mixologist.

If you look at the "grand masters" in Bushido, you will find, that most of these exceptional individuals are extremely understated and "normal". It even seems, the "higher" these masters rank, the lesser ego they have. Now you could argue, that they are awarded as masters and grand masters (...) - yet, there is a point, which cannot be easily put aside.

Further "rejecting being named mixologist (...)" became quite en vogue - and it is not a sign of understatement. People are still presenting their flashy ego and often are putting themselves on the spotlight - and in this case the whole thing becomes political correctness - or even phony.

And no - Darcy is a very friendly, very understated person, who just deserve to be called "more than a bartender" - especially if  you are looking at the rather inexperienced or disinterested average bartender.

And let's face it - Chefs are enjoying their time in the limelight quite a lot - and the fewest chefs are just want to be called "chef", there are executive chefs, culinary directors, chef owners, and so on. 
And other professions also try to separate the "common worker" from the "artisan". The point is not, that a common worker is less worth - but that he probably has lesser experience, that his skills are not as honed, that he has lesser knowledge and, that he might be just more focused on being a great host, than a big nerd.

This is just another facet of the whole "issue" - I am still keep in mind, that a bartender is actively working in a bar - and a mixologist might not (he can be also a bartender and uses his "mixology skills" in developing drinks for his venue, but he can also be beverage manager / director or consultant, or even a hobbyist).

And there is one more point to consider: more and more bars and hotels have job descriptions for "mixologists" - it is absolutely not anymore an exception. These jobs need people, which have a more thorough understanding of cocktails, spirits, mixing methods etc.; hence if mixologist is an official job description, there should be no more controversy of using this moniker...

I am just asking here for a bit more openness and thoughtfulness, before you are "putting" a colleague, who is called "mixologist" in a specific category... Learn more about a person, before judging him or her...


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